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Social Events

25th Anniversary of the IRAA and Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association & Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted: 21 October 2024

Held again at Springfield Golf and Country Club on Sunday, 20 October, 2024, this year’s theme was to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the IRAA.  There was a total of 47 members and guests in attendance.

New President Alan Olson (October 2023) welcomed and thanked everyone in attendance for coming as well as the 7 participants via Zoom.  He reported on the results of the election of 3 directors for 2024-2026, with the 3 current directors being re-elected by acclamation including Francis Latapie, Alan Olson, and Jorge Penaranda.  Alan mentioned that it was an honor to follow in the footsteps of 3 titans of the IRA/IRAA: Jim Johnson, Simon Bennett (who was unable to attend due to health constraints), and Peggy Slye, all former presidents who achieved much on behalf of members during their terms in office, particularly the protection of health and pension benefits during Intelsat’s transition to a private company in 2001, transition from Intelsat Group Health plan in 2018, and Intelsat’s bankruptcy between 2020-2022. Alan also presented several images of the new website which is still under construction after more than 1 one year but it is expected to be competed and available by the first of the coming year.

Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison were provided in a packet handout to members.

Ed Stoner reported on the Membership Status, currently 412, and welcomed 2 new members Lare Atcha-Oubou and Kenneth Sierzega, followed by displaying a list of 15 Intelsat colleagues and spouses who passed on during the past year. Ed also reported on the Groups.io Private EMail forum membership which has reached 212 members while the IRAA & Friends Facebook Closed Group membership is now up to 431 members.

Next, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson, Social Chair, reported on the Social Events held during the past year, including the 24th Annual Meeting at Springfield Golf and Country Club on 15 October 2023, the14th Annual Summer picnic held at Seneca Creek State Park on 19 May 2024, and the 5th Biennial Summer Social held in the backyard of Ken Betaharon’s home in Potomac, MD, on 24 August, 2024.  She also reported on the planned activities for 2025 beginning with the 15th Biennial Winter Social to be held at the home of Francis and Francoise Latapie in Bethesda, MD, on 22 Feburary,2025 (rain date 23 Feb.), and the 15th Annual Picnic at Seneca Creek State Park on 18 May 2025, followed by the 26th Annual Meeting of the IRAA & Social Gathering at Kenwood Golf & Country Club in Bethesda, MD, on 19 October 2025.

Then, the meeting was adjourned with members enjoying a special presentation by former presidents of the IRA/IRAA with Jim Johnson talking about the early years of the IRA, followed by Peggy Slye speaking on the crazy (contemporary) years of the IRAA

Lastly, a special raffle drawing was held for two Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the first winner was Helen Salud, who as a Lifetime member, who graciously donated the winning back to be redrawn by lucky winner Olivia Chattin, and the second drawing was won by lucky winner Ken Betaharon.

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner for photos by Ed Stoner.


25th Anniversary of the IRAA and Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association & Social Gathering
Posted: 22
 September 2024

Sunday, 20 October 2024, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Springfield Golf and Country Club

8301 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA
Ballroom A Banquet Room

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

3:00pm: Guest Speaker - To be determined

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

Hot coffee, tea and iced water will be  available 2:00 - 5:30pm at the Coffee Station
Other beverages will be available when Cash Bar open below
Included:  Sodas and lemonade at no cost
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $7.00 Premium Beer - $8.00
Club Wine - $10.00 Club Brand Cocktails - $9.00
Premium Brand Cocktails - $12.00 Bottled Water - $3.00
Springfield Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
  Mary Lawrence "Elder Law & Estate Planning"
Field Greens with Almonds and Dried Cranberries / Balsimic Vinaigrette and Ranch Dressing
Warm Rolls and Butter
Chicken Florentine with Brandy Cream Sauce
Beef Bourguignon with Wine, Carrots and Mushrooms
Tri Color Cheese Tortellini with Pesto Creram Sauce
         Oven Roasted Herb Potatoes / Roasted Vegetables
Assorted Cakes and PIes


 Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $30.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received not later than
 Sunday, 14 October, 2024
Contributions should be sent in advance
Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2023
c/o Anita Saltos
P. O. Box 10372
McLean, VA 22102

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.

DIRECTIONS to Springfield Golf and Country Club:



5th Biennial IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering - Epilogue
26 August 2024

This year’s 5th Biennial Summer Social event was held on the patio-deck in the backyard of Ken Betaharon’s beautiful home in Potomac on 24th August, 2024. Coincidentally, the 3rd Annual Summer Social was also held at Ken's home five years ago on the exact same date. The weather was mostly sunny and a bit humid with temps in the mid-to-upper 80’s with a total of 70 persons attending the event: 59 IRAA, 2 Intelsat and 9 former Intelsat. Guests enjoyed a delightful buffet of Indian cuisine provided by Sundara Catering of Alexandria, VA, which consisted of:

- Malia Kofta (potato paneer balls w/sauce)

- Chicken Tikka

- Vegetable Biryani (rice w/vegetables)

- Channa Masala (Garbanzo beans w/sauce)

- Vegetable Pakora (fritters)

- Samosas

- Mini Naan Bites

- Homemade Raita (Cucumber & Yogurt sauce) by Sheela Pinto

- Homemade mixed fruit bowl by Anita Saltos

- Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies

- Refreshments: iced tea, lemonade, water, soda, quality wines and premium beers

At approximately 4:30 PM, IRAA President Alan Olson addressed the attendees, warmly welcoming everyone to the Summer Social. He expressed heartfelt gratitude for their participation and hoped everyone was enjoying the delicious food catered by Sundara Catering as well as the cherished camaraderie among former colleagues and friends. Alan shared that the Social Committee had decided to alternate the Winter and Summer Social events every other year. This change was implemented in recognition of the additional work and effort involved in organizing events such as the Annual Picnic and the Annual Meeting. He took a moment to acknowledge the contributions of the IRAA Social Committee Chair, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson, along with her dedicated team members Anita Saltos, Ed Stoner, and others for their hard work in organizing the event. Alan also extended thanks to Sheela Pinto for her delicious homemade Raita and for recommending Sundara Catering. In closing, Alan announced that the IRAA would be featuring a special 25th Anniversary Celebration of the IRAA at the upcoming 25th Annual Meeting to be held at the Springfield Golf and Country Club. He encouraged everyone to attend if they were in the area and available, highlighting the importance of gathering to commemorate this milestone.

A few minutes later, the ever-popular drawing of raffle tickets was held by Ati and Anita with 2 lucky winners receiving $25 gift cards: Anita Saltos who drew her own number along with Jim Johnson.

Many Thanks and much appreciation to Ken Betaharon for hosting this event and for taking care of the trash which we bagged up according to Montgomery County’s recycle requirements, as well as playing some nice music from his CD player inside his home to the speakers outside on the deck, and, as always to our photographer extraordinaire Ed Stoner for taking many great photos of this event and a shout out to Andrew Lee for teaming up with Ed to take some nice shots as well. And, a Special Thanks to Anita Saltos and Sheela Pinto for taking care of the registration and handing out of name tags to our guests, and to Cindy Liu for helping with the set-up of the rental tables & chairs, table covers, food arrangements, plates, napkins, utensils, other.

Click HERE for a link to the photos taken by Ed Stoner and Andrew Lee.


5th Biennial Summer Social Gathering
Posted:  2 August 2024

Hope you may be in the area and available to attend this fun event at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD.  Here are the details below:

Date:     Sat., 24th Aug., 2024
Time:     3:00pm - 6:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members & guests $20.00 ea. 
                             Non-members $25.00 ea.

Menu Fare - Indian cuisine

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

There will be raffle prize drawings

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
Anita Saltos
P.O. Box 10372
McLean, VA 22102

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Mon., 19th Aug. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments
- Click on Click to Pay
- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)
- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay
   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount
- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

Note: If you are coming, pls send an EMail to info@myiraa.com for directions to the event.


14th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
20 May 2024


The lingering rain in the area for the past several days passed by the morning of our 14th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic on Sun., 19th May, with partly cloudy skies and warm temps reaching mid-70’s and mostly sunny as the day went on. A total of 55 persons attended: 40 IRAA, 5 COMARA, 5 active Intelsat, 3 former Intelsat, and 2 SES.

As has been the customary menu fare, everyone enjoyed Costco sirloin beef burgers, Hebrew National & Nathan’s beef hot dogs, and Boca veggie burgers all grilled to perfection by BBQ grill masters John Chan and Alan Olson, along with the crowd favorite, delicious Crisp & Juicy Peruvian charbroiled chicken, Whole Foods roasted vegetables, Costco's Caesar salad, Wegman’s potato salad and cole slaw, homemade mixed fruit bowl by Anita Saltos, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies, iced tea, water, soda, fruit punch, quality wines and premium beers to wash everything down.

After everyone finished eating, IRAA President, Alan Olson, welcomed and thanked everyone for coming out to the picnic to enjoy the good food and getting together with old friends and former colleagues from active Intelsat, former Intelsat, Comsat and SES. Next, Maury Mechanick, COMARA President, also welcomed everyone for coming and extended his thanks for inviting COMARA members to be a part of our annual picnic and hopes COMARA will continue to be a part of this annual event in the future. Peggy Slye, iRAA President Emeritus, also welcomed guests and thanked the organizers for putting together this nice event which everyone always enjoys.

The customary raffle drawing of tickets was held next with 4 lucky winners receiving $25 gift cards: Jose Albuquerque, Jose Lorenzana (Intelsat),Tuna Alper, and Audrey Travaligni.

Many Thanks to everyone who helped to make this fun and enjoyable event: John Chan and Cindy Liu for picking up dry goods from Olson’s home and bringing back; Cindy Liu and Ati Kadarmanto-Olson for setting up the tables; Anita Saltos and Sheela Pinto for signing in and presenting name tags to all of the guests; Jorge Penaranda for picking up/delivering the Crisp n’ Juicy chicken; Ed Stoner, our DJ and photographer extraordinaire, who played some cool tunes and snapped many great photos of the event; thank you to many who volunteered to take some trash away; and, a special thanks to John Chan, Jorge Penaranda for loading up the cars to take everything back to the Olson's home.

Click HERE for a link to the photos taken by Ed Stoner, Cecilia English, Liz Bell and Gideon Samid.


14th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
27 April 2024

  Date:  Sun., 19th May 2024
 Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

                                     Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

 Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $20.00 ea
                                                      Non-members:          $25.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, roasted vegetables, salad, and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Anita Saltosabra
   P.O. Box 10372
McLean, VA 22102

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Sun., 12th May 2024

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

          Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left

- Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 


24th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  18 October 2023

We customarily change venues every two years between Maryland and Virginia for the Annual Meeting. This year, it was held at Springfield Golf and Country Club On Sunday, 15 October, 2023. The last time the event was held at SGCC was pre-COVID in 2019 with 55 members and spouses present. Yesterday's turnout was almost identical to last year's meeting at Kenwood Country Club in Bethesda, with 38 members/guests attending including 8 who participated virtually via Zoom compared to 39 and 3, respectively, last year.

Peggy reported on the results of the election of two directors for 2023-2025, by acclamation, with new board member John Stevenson and incumbent Jim Casey being elected. Peggy also thanked the Board members and volunteers serving the IRAA in the various capacities.

Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison were provided in a packet handout to members.

Ed Stoner reported on the Membership Status, currently 425 (versus 431 last year), and welcomed 2 new members Andrew Lee and Wolfgang Wagner followed by a moment of silence in memoriam of lost Intelsat colleagues and spouses during the past year. Ed also reported on the Groups.io Private EMail forum membership which has reached 206 members while the IRAA & Friends Facebook Closed Group membership is now at 410 members. He also mentioned that there is a new PO Box in McLean, VA, for all mail correspondence to be sent instead of the old PO Box in DC as well as information on the Loss of an IRAA member Spouse included in a packet handout to members.

Jim Casey announced information about the new IRAA website which will be launched in 2024 that will allow members to receive an acknowledgement of their online purchase or payment of membership dues and to be able to keep track of their dues payments made. Jim also announced that a new IRAA logo has been created which will compliment the new contemporary, user-friendly website.

Then, Francis Latpie talked about ITSO being Alive and Well in continuing its mission to protect the Parties Common Heritage; and that it is funded by Intelsat and survived Intelsat's bankruptcy since it is being funded by Intelsat.

Peggy then talked about the Intelsat Monitoring Group which was formed at the end of Intelsat's bankruptcy and of the volunteer members who monitor satellite industry news to keep abreast of how Intelsat is doing financially post-bankruptcy. She also presented information on the new Open Enrollment periods for Medicare-eligible retirees living in the USA and non-Medicare eligible for retirees residing in the US and those retirees living abroad. Peggy answered questions submitted by members ahead of the meeting mostly concerning the pre-donut reimbursement process for those retirees with Medicare Part D.

Afterwards, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson reported on the Social Events held during the past year, including the 23rd Annual Meeting at Kenwood Golf and Country Club on 16 October 2022, the 4th Annual Winter Social held at the home of Francoise and Francis Latapie in Bethesda, MD, on 18 February, 2023, and, the13th Annual Summer picnic held at Seneca Creek State Park on 21 May 2023. Ati also reported on what's planned for 2024 beginning with the 14th Annual Picnic at Seneca Creek State Park on 19 May 2024, followed by the 5th Annual IRAAI/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering at the home of a member TBD in late-August/early-September 2024 as well as the 24th Annual Meeting of the IRAA & Social Gathering at Springfield Country Club on 13 October 2024.

Then, a special raffle drawing was held for a Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the lucky winner was Ulrika Williamson.

Next, on behalf of the IRAA members, Ati presented Peggy with a token of appreciation (iPad w/accessories) for dedicating many hours of service to the IRAA as President and especially her leadership to keep our health and pension benefits safe during Intelsat's bankruptcy.

After the meeting adjourned, members enjoyed an informative presentation by Mary Lawrence, Certified Elder Lawyer, SchounBach, about Elder Law and Estate Planning.

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner for photos by Ed Stoner, Andrew Lee and Alan Olson  


24th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering
Posted: 22
 September 2023

Sunday, 15 October 2023, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Springfield Golf and Country Club

8301 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA
Ballroom A Banquet Room

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

3:00pm: Guest Speaker - Mary Lawrence, CELA, Elder Law & Estate Planning

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

Hot coffee, tea and iced water will be  available 2:00 - 5:30pm at the Coffee Station
Other beverages will be available when Cash Bar open below
Included:  Sodas and lemonade at no cost
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $7.00 Premium Beer - $8.00
Club Wine - $10.00 Club Brand Cocktails - $9.00
Premium Brand Cocktails - $12.00 Bottled Water - $3.00
Springfield Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
  Mary Lawrence "Elder Law & Estate Planning"
Field Greens with Almonds and Dried Cranberries / Balsimic Vinaigrette and Ranch Dressing
Warm Rolls and Butter
Chicken Florentine with Brandy Cream Sauce
Beef Bourguignon with Wine, Carrots and Mushrooms
Tri Color Cheese Tortellini with Pesto Creram Sauce
         Oven Roasted Herb Potatoes / Roasted Vegetables
Assorted Cakes and PIes


 Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $30.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received not later than
 Sunday, 1 October, 2023
Contributions should be sent in advance
Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2023
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P. O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.

DIRECTIONS to Springfield Golf and Country Club:



13th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
24 May 2023

It was a beautiful day filled with abundant sunshine and warm temps in the mid-upper 70's for our 13th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic on Sun., 21st May. A total of 66 persons attended: 58 IRAA, 5 COMARA, 2 Intelsat and 1 former Intelsat.

The customary "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" menu fare consisted of sirloin beef burgers, beef hot dogs, Field Harvest plant-based hot dogs and  Impossible plant-based patties which were all cooked up by BBQ grill masters John Chan and Alan Olson, along with the crowd favorite, delicious Crisp & Juicy Peruvian charbroiled chicken, Whole Foods roasted vegetables, Costco's Caesar and potato salads, mixed greens salad and dressings, mixed fruit bowl, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies, iced tea, lemonade, water, soda, quality wines and premium beers to wash everything down.

After everyone finished eating, IRAA President, Peggy Slye, welcomed and thanked everyone for coming out to the picnic to enjoy the good food and getting together with old friends and former colleagues from Intelsat and Comsat.

The customary raffle drawing of tickets was held next with 4 lucky winners receiving $25 gift cards:  Pat Balod (Romy), Jorge Penaranda, Jose Albuquerque, and Roland Liu (Rosa).

Many Thanks to everyone who helped to make this fun and enjoyable event a big success: Jorge Penaranda for picking up dry goods/equipment from the Olson's home and bringing to the park and back; Ice King Francis Latapie for bringing the ice; Francois Latapie, Sian Oie, Judith Letendre, and Cindy Liu with setting up the tables/layout; Anita Saltos for for signing in and presenting name tags to all of the guests; Ati Kadarmanto-Olson for picking up/delivering the chicken; DJ extraordinaire Ed Stoner, who played some smooth music and snapped lots of great photos of the event; Rani Chhabra who took care of any pending financial matters for picnic fees or IRAA membership Dues payments; Martin & Pam Brown, Francis Latapie, Teresa & Gianpiero Forcino, and others unremembered (our apologies) for taking home large bags filled with trash from the event; John Chan, Jorge Penaranda for loading up the cars to take everything back to the Olson's home.

We hope you can make it next year if you're in the area and available to attend.

Click HERE for a link to the photos taken by Ed Stoner.


13th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
25 April 2023

  Date:  Sun., 21st May 2023
 Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

                                     Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

 Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $20.00 ea
                                                      Non-members:  $25.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, roasted vegetables, salad, and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Sun., 14th May 2023.

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

          Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left

- Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted: 19 February 2023

Yesterday, after a 3-year hiatus from this fun event last held in 2019, Mother Nature provided a nice, sunny day with not too coolish temps in the mid-40s which was once again held at the home of our gracious hosts, Francis & Francoise Latapie, in Bethesda, MD. Although 56 members/guests RSVPd they were planning to attend the event, 44 attended to mix and reminisce with old friends & former colleagues from Intelsat. 

Keeping up the trend of enjoying an international menu fare at the Winter and Social gatherings, guests were treated to delicious Mediterranean food catered by Mezeh Mediterranean Grill.  There was plenty of food leftover which many guests took home in ‘to go’ containers.

Our smooth DJ, Ed Stoner, played some cool tunes and took many great photos to share of this event.  See link below.

Peggy Slye welcomed everyone by Zoom for coming to the event and thanked the Latapie's for hosting the event again and also thanked the Social Committee for putting together everything.

Customary raffle drawings were held with $25 VISA Gift Cards going to the winners Bob Emmett (guest of Bob Kinzie) and Susan Jung.

Many thanks to Francis and Francoise Latapie for sharing their beautiful home for this fun event enjoyed by all. 

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering
8 January 2023

Alas, after our 4th Annual Winter Social was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to announce that it will be held once again this year at the home of Francis and Francoise Latapie in Bethesda, MD.  We hope you may be in the area and available to attend.

Date:     Sat., 18th Feb., 2023
Time:     12:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $20.00 ea. 
             Non-members $25.00 ea.

Food catered by Mezeh Mediterranean Grill

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks, water, coffee and tea

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association

c/o Satpal Chhabra

P.O. Box 40027

Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Sat., 11th Feb. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Click on Click to Pay

- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)

- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay

   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount

- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


23rd Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  17 October 2022

There was quite a lower turnout at this year's event yesterday with only 39 members/guests attending including 3 who participated virtually via Zoom compared to 66 and 11, respectively, last year.

Peggy reported on the results of the election of three directors for 2023-2024, by acclamation, incumbents:  Francis Latapie, Alan Olson, and Jorge Penaranda, and also thanked the Board members and volunteers serving the IRAA in many capacities.

Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison were provided in a packet handout to members.

Ed Stoner reported on the Membership Status, currently 431, and welcomed 7 new members followed by a moment of silence in memoriam of lost Intelsat colleagues during the past year. Ed also reported on the Groups.io Private EMail forum membership which has reached members 202 while the IRAA & Friends Facebook Closed Group membership is now at 378 members.  He also mentioned that information on Continuation of Spousal Benefits was included in a packet handout to members.

Peggy reported on the status of Intelsat's legal activities surrounding the bankruptcy and that our health and and pension benefits remain intact. This and other important information was included in a packet handout to members along with Open Season information concerning health plans for Medicare-eligible retirees living in the USA and non-Medicare eligible for retirees residing in the US and those retirees living abroad.  Peggy answered several questions submitted by members ahead of the meeting along with several from members in attendance, mostly concerning Intelsat's bankruptcy/financial stability and impact on pension/health benefits.  This information along with other important questions and answers was included in a packet handout to members.

Lastly, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson reported on the Social Events held during the past year, including the 22nd Annual Meeting at Kenwood on 17 October 2021, the12th Annual Summer picnic held at Seneca Creek State Park on 15 May 2022, and the 5th Annual Summer Social held at the home of Joe and Eloise Pelton on 27 August 2022. Ati also reported on what's planned for 2023, beginning with the 4th Annual Winter Social at the home of Francis and Francoise Latapie in late Feb. 2023, the 13th Annual Summer picnic on 14 May 2023, followed by the 6th Annual IRAAI/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering at the home of Kentaharon TBD late-August/early-September 2023 as well as the 24th Annual Meeting of the IRAA & Social Gathering at Springfield Country Club on 15 October 2023.  A special prize drawing was held for a Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the lucky winner was David Koff (Ana Maria).

After the meeting adjourned, members enjoyed a special presentation by Eric Riddell, Financial Advisor, Ameriprise Financial Services, entitled "Market Update and Navigating Market Volatility."   

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner


23rd Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering
Posted: 17
 September 2022

Sunday, 16 October 2022, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Kenwood  Country Club

5601 River Road
Bethesda, MD

Dogwood Banquet Room

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

 2:45 pm: Guest speaker: TBD

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

 Beverages will be available 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Included:  Coffee, hot tea, iced water, and lemonade..
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $5.50 Premium Beer - $7.00
House Wine - $10.75 House Brand Cocktails - $10.75
Premium Brand Cocktails - $12.75 Call Brand Cocktails - $11.50
Cordials & Liqueurs  - $12.75
Soft Drinks - $2.25 Juices - $2.25
Bottled Water - $2.25 Sparkling Water - $3.25
 * Charges based on actual consumption
Tuscan Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
  Marty Bailey Brown "Building Resilience During the Pandemic and Beyond"
Caesar Salad pre-dressed with croutons and Warm Rolls & Butter
Tuscan Grilled Flank Steak with Bleu Cheese and Garlic Creamed Spinach
Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Ratatouille
Garlic Herb Roasted Potatoes
Penne Pasta with Asparagus, Roasted Tomatoes & White Wine Sauce
         Dessert:  Tiramisu


 Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $20.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received not later than
 Sunday, 2 October, 2022
Contributions should be sent in advance
Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2019
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P. O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.


FROM I-495:
 Take the River Road (Washington) exit #39 South, bearing onto River Road.

Follow River Road 3 miles to Springfield Drive, turn left at Springfield Drive, turn left at that light and enter Kenwood.


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering - Epilogue
28 August 2022

Our last Summer Social was held in 2019 at the home of Ken Betahraon, then cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic and then deferred in 2021 after our Summer Picnic (usually held in mid-May timeframe) was delayed until August 22.  This year, Mother Nature was kind to allow us alas to hold our much anticipated 4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Picnic on Sat., 27th Aug., 2022, at the home of Joe and Eloise Pelton, in Arlington, VA. A total of  45 persons attended this fun event on a warm and humid but storm free afternoon.

This year's theme was Caribbean with a delicious menu fare provided by Shadow Chef of North Bethesda, MD, which consisted of mixed Cocktail Jamaican Patties (veggie, chicken & beef), Jamaican Jerk Chicken, BBQ Beef Ribs, Hawaiian Vegan Meatballs, Pigeon Peas & Rice, Red Beans & Rice and Grilled Vegetables along with Ati's famous Indonesian chicken sate grilled at home by chef Alan Olson, mixed fruit bowl, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies and the usual thirst quenchers:  iced tea, lemonade, water, soda, quality wines and premium beers to wash everything down.  All of the attendees wore their colorful tropical/Caribbean attire which set the festive tone to this fun event.

After everyone finished partaking of the great food, Social Committee Chair, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson, on behalf of IRAA President Peggy Slye, welcomed and thanked everyone for coming out to the Summer Social  and hoped they enjoyed the delicious food catered by Shadow Chef. Joe Pelton also Thanked everyone for coming out to his home and suggested they may wish to come into his adjoining living room to see on display an old newspaper clipping in 1982 of Intelsat, Santiago Astrain, and Joe's involvement too. 

Later, the always popular drawing of raffle tickets was held with 4 lucky winners receiving $25 gift cards to Amazon, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Lowe's and VISA: David Griffiths, Pamela Brown (Martin), Susan Jung and new member Maria-Martia Andrade.

Many Thanks and much appreciation to Joe and Eloise Pelton for hosting this event at their lovely home/backyard in Arlington and for taking care of the trash which we bagged up according to Arlington Co's recycle requirements.  Much Thanks as always to our DJ extraordinaire Ed Stoner for playing great Caribbean tunes and snapping all of the cool photos for this event.  And, a Special Thanks to Anita Saltos and Sheela Pinto for taking care of the registration and handing out of name tags to our guests!

We hope you can make it next year if you're in the area and available to attend.  Stay tuned...

Click HERE for a link to the photos taken by Ed Stoner.


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering
Posted:  6 August 2022

The 3rd annual event was last held on 24 Aug. 2019 at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD. It was subsequently cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic, and deferred in 2021 due to the 11th Annual Summer picnic delayed until 21st Aug., 2021, vice the usual mid-May timeframe.  Alas, the 4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering will be held on 27 Aug., 2022, at the home of Joe and Eloise Pelton in Arlington, VA.    Here are the details below:

 Date:     Sat., 27th Aug., 2022
Time:     3:00pm - 6:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $20.00 ea. 
                               Non-members $25.00 ea.

Menu Fare:

Jamaican Patties (veggie, chicken & beef), Jamaican jerk chicken, BBQ beef ribs, grilled veggies, pigeon peas & rice, red beans & rice, Hawaiian Vegan Meatballs, Ati's Indonesia Chicken Sate
Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

There will be 4 raffle drawings of $25 gift cards.

Wear your colorful tropical/Caribbean attire!!!

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Fri., 19th Aug. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Click on Click to Pay

- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)

- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pal

   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount

- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

/////  If you are interested in attending this event, pls kindly remit payment by the
       deadline date of Fri., 19th Aug., and EMail us your RSVP at: 
info@myiraa.comAfter we
       we rcv your payment and EMail RSVP, we will EMail you the address of the event /////


12th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
18 May 2022

After several days of cloudy skies and rain, Mother Nature gave us a lovely day with plenty of sunshine and warm temps in the low 80's for our 12th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic on Sun., 15th May. A total of 60 folks RSVPd but only 46 made it: 45 IRAA & guests and 1 COMARA.

The yummy menu fare consisted of angus beef burgers, beef hot dogs, Impossible plant-based patties, Moving Mountains plant-based hot dogs and spicy Black Bean & Garden veggie burgers which were all cooked up by BBQ grill master Alan Olson along with delicious carryout Crisp & Juicy Peruvian charbroiled chicken, Whole Foods roasted vegetables, Costco's Caesar salad, Red Bliss potato salad, creamy cole slaw, mixed fruit bowl, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies and iced tea, lemonade, water, soda, quality wines and premium beers to wash everything down.

After everyone finished partaking of the great food, Social Committee Chair, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson, on behalf of IRAA President Peggy Slye, welcomed and thanked everyone for coming out to the picnic and hoped they enjoyed the good food. Geza Serenyi, Treasurer, COMARA, took the mic next and welcomed everyone to the event as well and thanked IRAA for including COMARA in this event.

Next. the always popular drawing of raffle tickets was held with 6 lucky winners receiving $25 gift cards to Amazon and Target: David Koff (Ana Maria), Leonida Vista, Geza Serenyi (COMARA), Michel Nakhla, Tony Berntzen and Ken Betaharon.

Many Thanks and much appreciation to Jorge Penaranda and Mirka Vera for picking up some of the dry goods/equipment from Alan and Ati-Kadarmanto's house and hauling to the park and back;
Francoise & Francis Latapie, Rani Chhabra, Anita Saltos, Jorge Penaranda, Ed's brother, Paul Stoner, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson for setting up the tables w/tablecloths and layout of everything, and also Maria Stefanita, Betsy Smith and Emmee Srisawad (Tony Berntzen), for helping with the food distribution; Ed Stoner, who played some great blues tunes and other oldies, and took many photos of the event; Anita Saltos and Mirka Vera who greeted guests to hand out clip-on plastic name tags, raffle ticket(s) and mark off the attendees sheet; Rani Chhabra who took care of any pending financial matters for picnic fees or IRAA membership Dues payments; Francis Latapie for once again being the Ice King and making sure all of our refreshments in the various coolers were replenished with ice to keep them cold; Betsy & Steve Smith, Martin & Pam Brown, Cecelia English, Leonida Vista and others unremembered (our apologies and Many Thanks), for taking home large bags filled with trash from the event; Leonida Vista, Paul Stoner, Jorge and Mirka for helping lug and load lots of stuff into Ati's and Alan's cars to take back to their house for storage until next year's event.

We hope you can make it next year if you're in the area and available to attend.

Click HERE for a link to the photos taken by Ed Stoner.


12th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
18 April 2022

  Date:  Sun., 15th May 2022
 Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

                                     Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

 Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $20.00 ea
                                                      Non-members:  $25.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, roasted vegetables, salad, and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Sun., 8th May 2022.

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

          Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left

- Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social - Canceled
18 January 2022

Due to the COVID-19/Omicron pandemic, the Winter Social will not be held this year. 


22nd Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  22 October 2021

A total of 66 members/guests attended the event including 11 who participated virtually via Zoom. 

Peggy reported on the results of the election of two directors for 2022-2023, by acclamation, incumbents:  Jim Casey and Peggy Slye.

Rani Chhabra, Treasurer, reported on the Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison. 

Ed Stoner reported on the Membership Status, currently 431, followed by a moment of silence in memoriam of lost Intelsat colleagues during the past year. Ed also reported on the Groups.io Private EMail forum membership which has reached members190 while the IRAA & Friends Facebook Closed Group membership is now at 376 members.

Peggy went over which entities surviving spouses should notify upon the loss of a member to ensure continuation of health and pension benefits as appropriate.  Peggy also reported on the status of Intelsat's legal activities surrounding the bankruptcy and the health benefits lawsuit, Open Season information concerning health plans for Medicare-eligible retirees living in the USA and non-Medicare eligible for retirees residing in the US and those retirees living abroad, as well as answered several questions submitted by members ahead of the meeting along with several from members in attendance and virtually, mostly concerning Intelsat's bankruptcy and impact on pension/health benefits issues.

Lastly, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson reported on the Social Events held during the past year, with only the 3rd Annual Winter Social held in January.  The 11th Annual Summer picnic and the 4th Annual Summer Social were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Ati also reported on what's planned for 2022, beginning with the 12th Annual Summer picnic in May 2022, followed by the 4th Annual IRAAI/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering at a member's home TBD as well as the 23rd Annual Meeting of the IRAA & Social Gathering at Kenwood Country Club on 16 October 2022.  A special prize drawing was held for a Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the lucky winner was Ana Maria Puch!

After the meeting adjourned, members enjoyed a special presentation by MartI Bailey Brown, Director, Sibley Memorial Senior Association & Community Health, entitled "Building Resilience During the Pandemic and Beyond."   

Click HERE for Marti's presentation (PDF).

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner


22nd Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering
Posted: 3
September 2021

Sunday, 17 October 2021, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Kenwood  Country Club

5601 River Road
Bethesda, MD

Dogwood Banquet Room

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

 2:45 pm: Guest speaker: Marty Brown Bailey, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Senior Association & Community Health

(Update on IRAA legal activities and the status of the new health care plans)

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

Beverages will be available 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Included:  Coffee, hot tea, and iced water.
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $5.50 Premium Beer - $7.00
House Wine - $10.75 Call Brand Cocktails - $11.50
Premium Brand Cocktails - $11.00 Super Premium Cocktails - $13.00
Cordials & Liqueurs - $12.75
Soft Drinks - $2.25 Juices - $2.25
Bottled Water - $2.25 Sparkling Water - $3.25
 * Charges based on actual consumption
Tuscan Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
Marty Bailey Brown "Building Resilience During the Pandemic and Beyond"
Caesar Salad
Tuscan Grilled Flank Steak
with Bleu Cheese and Creamed Spinach
Parmesan Crusted Chicken
with Ratatouille
Garlic Herb Roasted Potatoes
with Asparagus, Roated Tomatoes
White Wine Sauce

Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $15.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received Not later than Wednesday, September 30, 2021

Contributions should be sent in

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2019
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P. O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.


FROM I-495:
Take the River Road (Washington) exit #39 Sout, bearing onto River Road.

Follow River Road 3 miles to Springfield Drive, turn left at Springfield Drive, turn left at that light and enter Kenwood.


11th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
27 August 2021

This popular, fun event held for the past 8 years at beautiful Seneca Creek State Park in Gaithersburg, MD, was postponed in May 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions.  After the restrictions were recently lifted for outdoor gatherings, the 11th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic was finally held on Sun., 22nd August 2021.  There was a total 72 in attendance:  62 IRAA & guests, 3 COMARA & guests, 6 Former Intelsat & guests, and 1 current Intelsat staff.  After Hurricane Henri earlier passed far enough off-shore northeast bound, the weather cooperated with partly sunny skies and temps in the pleasantly low-80s.

On behalf of IRAA President Peggy Slye who was not feeling well and could not be there, Social Committee Chair Ati Kadarmanto-Olson welcomed everyone to have a wonderful time at our first 'in person' gathering in a year and a half, and Peggy hopes to see them in October at the Annual Meeting.  Maury Mechanick, President of COMARA, took the mic next and welcomed everyone to the event as well and thanked IRAA for including COMARA in this event.

As has been the customary menu fare, burgers, hot dogs and first-time Beyond Meat Beyond Burger plant-based patties were grilled up by BBQ Pitmaster pretender Alan Olson along with the tastiest carryout Crisp & Juicy Peruvian spit-roasted chicken in the DMV, Whole Foods roasted vegetables, and first-time Shalom Kosher Kitchen potato salad, Costco Caesar salad and Spinach salad w/Poppy seed dressing, plus refreshments to wash down everything including iced tea, lemonade, water, soda, quality wines and premium beers. 

After everyone finished partaking of the delicious food, the crowd favorite drawing of raffle tickets was held with 6 lucky winners: 1) Romy Balod: $25.00 Amazon gift card; 2) Alison Walisko, spouse of new member Vince Walisko:  bottle of Stags Leap Cellars Aveta Sauvignon Blanc Napa; 3) Pat Surman: $25.00 Cheesecake Factory gift card; 4) Sue Fortunato, guest of new member Michael Goldstein: $25.00 Target gift card; 5) Tembiso Nleya, guest of Ed Stoner's brother Paul:  $25.00 Olive Garden gift card; 6) Ati Kadarmanto-Olson: bottle of Domaine Lathuilliere Gravallon Morgon Corcellete Beaujolais.

Many Thanks and much appreciation to:

Jorge Penaranda for picking up all the dry goods stuff from Alan and Ati-Kadarmanto's home and hauling to the park.

Francoise & Francis Latapie, Rani Chhabra, Anita Saltos, Sheela PInto, Jorge Penaranda & Ati Kadarmanto-Olson for setting up the tables w/tablecloths and layout of everything.

Ed Stoner, DJ and photographer extraordinaire, who played MP3s of some cool, classic throw-back tunes and snapped many photos of the event which can be viewed further below.

Anita Saltos who greeted guests to hand them their clip-on plastic name tags, raffle ticket(s) and mark off the attendees sheet.

Rani Chhabra who took care of any pending financial matters for picnic fees or IRAA membership Dues payments.  

Francis Latapie for being the Ice King and making sure all of our refreshments in the various coolers were replenished with ice to keep them cold.

Sheela Pinto who oversaw the buffet table and directed traffic to make sure the food line was going smoothly, helping guests get what they wanted like opening wrapped cheese slices for their burgers, and coordinating with the grill guy to keep this or that coming.

Bob Peters, Rosa & Roland Liu, Betsy & Steve Smith, Martin & Pam Brown, Prakash Nadkarni and others unremembered (our apologies and Many Thanks, too), for taking home large bags filled with trash from the event.

Leonida Vista, Javed Hashmi, Nick Velleman for helping lug and load lots of stuff into Ati's and Alan's cars to take back to their house for storage until next year's event.

Hope you can make it next year if you're in the area and available to attend.  Mark your calendars:  Sun., 22nd May, 2022

Click HERE for photos taken by Ed Stoner.


11th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
23 July 2021

  Date:  Sun., 22nd Aug, 2021
 Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

                                     Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

 Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $15.00 ea
                                                      Non-members:  $20.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, roasted vegetables, salad, and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Mon., 16th Aug, 2021

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

          Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left.

-  Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 



4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social - Canceled
21January 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Winter Social will not be held this year. 


21st Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  20 October 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Annual Meeting was held via Zoom virtual online platform.  A total of 95 members RSVPd who planned to participate while 67 members/spouses participated. 

Peggy reported on the results of the election of three directors for 2021-2022, by acclamation, incumbents:  Francis Latapie, Alan Olson, and Jorge Penaranda. 

Next, Rani Chhabra, Treasurer, reported on the Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison. 

Afterwards, Jim Casey reported on the Membership Status, currently 428, followed by a moment of silence in memoriam of lost Intelsat colleagues during the past year. 

Then, Peggy reported on the legal activities surrounding Intelsat's bankruptcy and status of the health benefits lawsuit along with Open Season information concerning health plans for Medicare-eligible retirees living in the USA and non-Medicare eligible for retirees residing in the US and those retirees living abroad.

Lastly, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson reported on the Social Events held during the past year, with only the 3rd Annual Winter Social held in January.  The 11th Annual Summer picnic and the 4th Annual Summer Social were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Ati also reported on what's planned for 2021, beginning with the 11th Annual Summer picnic in May 2021, providing large gatherings will be allowed by Montgomery County.  A special prize drawing was held for a Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the lucky winner was Fred Luz!

Members enjoyed a special video presentation of "Those Were the Days" before the start of the meeting from 11:00am-12:00pm which was put together from a collection of photos taken by Ed Stoner over the years at the old Intelsat building in Van Ness. 


21st Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering -
20 September 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event planned at Kenwood Golf and Country Club is cancelled.

Instead, a virtual meeting will be held via Zoom on Sat., 17th October.  Details have been sent to members for participation.


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social - Canceled
25 July 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual summer social is cancelled. 


11th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Canceled
21 April 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual summer picnic is cancelled.  Our next social event will be the 4th Annual Summer Picnic later this summer.  Details to be posted soon.


3rd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted: 20 January 2020

After a forecast for a wintry mix of snow, freezing rain/sleet was expected in the DC Metro area on Sat., 18th Jan., the 3rd Annual IRAA/Intesat Winter Social was rescheduled to Sun.,19 Jan., at the home of our gracious hosts, Francis & Francoise Latapie, in Bethesda, MD.  Originally, 59 members/guests RSVPd they were planning to attend the event on Sat but because of the date change, many members/guests were unable to attend due to other conflicts.  However, a still very good turnout of 38 members/guests came to this popular social gathering to mix and reminisce with old friends & former colleagues from Intelsat. 

Keeping up the trend of enjoying an international menu fare at the Winter and Social gatherings, guests were treated to delicious, home-style Persian food catered by Kadbanoo Catering.  There was a lot of food which many guests took home in ‘to go’ containers. Members/guests who remitted payment in advance but were unable to attend the event will be credited towards the next social event they are able to attend. 

Ed Stoner performed his usual cool DJ and photographer skills, playing some hip tunes and taking pictures of the event. 

Peggy Slye welcomed everyone for coming to the event and thanked the Latapie's for hosting and the Social Committee for putting together everything.

Customary raffle drawings were held with $25 VISA Gift Cards going to the winners Gian-Pierro Forcina, Catherine DePeuter, Jan Wendt, and Ati Kadarmanto-Olson.

Many thanks to Francis and Francoise Latapie for sharing their beautiful home for this fun event enjoyed by all.  Let us know if you’d like to host next year?

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner and Alan Olson


3rd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering
Posted: 28 December 2019

We hope you may be in the area and available to attend our 3rd Annual Winter Social Gathering on Sat., 18th Jan., at one of our member's home in Bethesda, MD.  

Date:     Sat., 18th Jan.
Time:     12:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $15.00 ea. 
             Non-members $18.00 ea.

Persian food catered by To Be Determined

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association

c/o Satpal Chhabra

P.O. Box 40027

Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Sat., 11th Jan. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Click on Click to Pay

- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)

- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay

   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount

- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

/////  If you are interested in attending this event, pls kindly remit the necessary payment by the
       deadline date of Wed., 6th Feb., and EMail us your RSVP at: 
info@myiraa.com.  /////

/////  After we your payment and EMail RSVP are received, we will EMail you the address of the event /////


20th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  24 October 2019

For the second year in a row, this year's event was held at the Springfield Golf and Country Club on Sunday, October 20, 2019.  There were 55 members/spouses in attendance (66 RSVPd Yes), and 10+ attendees participated via Zoom virtual online meeting. Next year's 21st Annual Meeting will return to Maryland to be held at Kenwood Golf and Country Club.

Peggy reported on the results of the election of two directors for 2020-2021, Jim Casey, and incumbent, Peggy Slye, as well as the results of the voting and passing of two By-Laws amendments.  Peggy also provided an update on health benefits status along with an update on legal activities on behalf of Larry Postol. 

Ed Stoner reported on the Membership Status, currently 405, followed by a moment of silence in memoriam of lost Intelsat colleagues during the past year. Afterwards, on behalf of Rani Chhabra, Treasurer, Peggy  reported on the Finances of the IRAA and the Pension Plan Summary Comparison (handed out to attendees).

Next, Ati Kadarman-Olson reported on the Social Events held during the last year and what's planned for 2020.

A special prize drawing was held for a Five-Year Membership worth $90, and the lucky winner was Jim Lee!

Members enjoyed a dinner-buffet/cash bar set up by the Springfield Golf and Country Club, and further social gathering between former colleagues and friends. 

Click HERE for a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation/folders to members present

Click HERE for some pix courtesy of Ed Stoner


20th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering
Posted: 31 August 2019

Sunday, 20 October 2019, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Springfield Golf and Country Club

8301 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA

Ballroom "A"

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

 2:45 pm: Guest speaker: Peggy Slye on behalf of Larry Postol

(Update on IRAA legal activities and the status of the new health care plans)

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

Beverages will be available 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Included:  Coffee, hot tea, and iced water.
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $6.00 Premium Beer - $7.00
Club Wine - $10.00 Club Brand Cocktails - $8.00
Premium Brand Cocktails - $11.00 Super Premium Cocktails - $13.00
Cordials & Liqueurs - $13.00
Soft Drinks - $2.00 Juices - $3.00
Club Wines:
Chateau Souverain Chadonnay, C. Souverain Cabernet Sauvignon, Edna Valley Merlot, Piccini Pinot Grigio
Club Brand Cocktails:
Pinnacle Vodka, Beefeaters Gin, Dewars Scotch, Jim Beam Bourbon, Bacardi Rum, Canadian Club Whiskey, Cuervo Tequila
Premium Brand Cocktails:
Kettle One Vodka, Tanquerey Gin, Chivas Regal Scotch, Jack Daniel's Bourbon, Captain Morgan Rum, Seagram's VO Whiskey, Cuervo 1800 Anejo Tequila
Super Premium Brand Cocktails:
Grey Goose Vodka, Bombay Sapphie Gin, Johnnie Walker Black Scotch, Makers Mark Bourbon, Zaya Rum, Crown Royal Whiskey, Herradura Blanco Tequila
 * Charges based on actual consumption
Springfield Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
(Larry Postol) Update Health Plan Change
Field Greens with Almonds & Dried Cranberries 
** Raspberry Vinaigrette, Ranch Dressing, Blue Cheese, Balsimic Vinaigrette, Fat Free Italian, Honey Mustard, Thousand Island  **
Chicken stuffed with Broccoli and Cheese
Chef Francesco's Beef Bourguignon with Wine, Carrots and Mushrooms
Wild Mushroom Ravioli with Sundried Tomato ream Sauce
Roasted Vegetables
Oven Roasted Herb Potatoes
Warm Rolls and Butter
Assorted Cakes

Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $15.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received Not later than Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Contributions should be sent in

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2019
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P. O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.


FROM I-495:
MIXING BOWL FROM TYSONS: Take I-495S to I-95S 57A towards Richmond. Stay to the far right. Take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169-B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road, you’ve gone too far.

MIXING BOWL FROM ALEXANDRIA: Take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169-B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

TO AVOID MIXING BOWL: Take I-495S then take Braddock Road West exit 54A, make a left on Rolling Road (VA 638S), and a left onto Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), the Club is on your right immediately past the Shell station.

FROM RICHMOND: Take I-95N towards Washington; take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W) travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

FROM WASHINGTON D.C. I-395: Take I-395S, towards Richmond; take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W) travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

FROM FAIRFAX COUNTY PARKWAY: 286: Take the Old Keene Mill Road exit (VA 644E), continue approx. 3.5 miles and Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station. 

FROM SPRINGFIELD PARKWAY: 289: Take Rolling Road N (VA 638), right on Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644E) Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station.

FROM I-66: Take I-66 to the Fairfax County Parkway 286; Take the Old Keene Mill Road exit (VA 644E), continue approx. 3.5 miles and Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station.

3rd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted:  25 August 2019

Yesterday the weather was perfect for our 3rd annual event at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD, with mostly sunny skies, temps in the upper 70's and nary a drop of rain in the forecast unlike last year's deluge of rain forcing the event to be held in Ken's basement.  54 guests who came were treated to on-site cooking of delicious Indian dosas by two lovely ladies along with some make-it-yourself Kosher pastrami sandwiches and plenty of refreshments.

DJ/photographer extraordinaire Ed Stoner played cool tunes and held his usual Golf Putting Contest in which contestants won a ticket(s) for a chance to win a prize drawing and the lucky winners were: 8FT Putt - Liyong Yu/Golf umbrella; 6FT Putt - Alan Olson/Set of 12 Slazenger golf balls; 4FT Putt - Angela Kummel/bottle of Brut champagne.

Next, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson and Anita Saltos held the door prize raffle drawings and the lucky $25 gift card winners were: Mirka Penaranda, Cindy Liu, Catherine DePeuter, Anita Saltos and Rosa Liu.   Many thanks to Ken for sharing his backyard and to everyone who helped clean-up afterwards.

Click HERE for some pix courtesy of Ed Stoner.


4th Annual IRAA/Intelsat Golf Outing
Posted:  4 August 2019

Date:  Thu.,19th September
Time:  10:00am - 2:00pm
(18 Holes "Captain's Choice")

Where:  MGC Falls Road
10800 Falls Rd., Potomac, MD

IRAA Members:  Cost w/cart:  $36.00 (60+)
; $58.00 (< 60)
Non-Members:   Cost w/cart:  $41.00 (60+)
; $63.00 (< 60)

There will be prizes for all finishers!

Image result for mgc falls road golf

Your RSVP and payment must be received by Sun, 15th September, 2019

EMail your RSVP to:  info@myiraa.com

 Payment may be made by check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00    default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


3rd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering
Posted:  3 August 2019

Hope you may be in the area and available to attend this fun event at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD.  Here are the details below:

       Date:     Sat., 24th Aug., 2019
Time:     3:00pm - 6:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $15.00 ea. 
                               Non-members $18.00 ea.

Menu Fare - Indian dosas and Kosher cold cut sandwiches

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

There will be fun games and prizes along with a raffle drawings

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Tue., 20th Aug. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments
- Click on Click to Pay
- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)
- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay
   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount
- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

/////  If you are interested in attending this event, pls kindly remit payment by the
       deadline date of Tue., 20th Aug., and EMail us your RSVP at: 
info@myiraa.comAfter we
       we rcv your payment and EMail RSVP, we will EMail you the address of the event /////


10th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
22 May 2019

It was a sunny day with warm temperatures reaching into the upper 80s for the picnic and a smaller crowd came out this year: 61 out of 72 who RSVPd including 46 IRAA, 8 COMARA, 6 former Intelsat, and 1 current Intelsat.  

The picnic has always been a great event where everyone who attends enjoys reconnecting and reminiscing with friends and former colleagues from COMARA, IRAA, current/former Intelsat staff.  Once again the customary menu fare consisted of the popular and delicious Crisp n Juicy chicken, along with lots of roasted vegetable, salads and our own grilled burgers, chipotle black bean burgers, hot dogs, and plenty of cold refreshments.

DJ and photographer extraordinaire Ed Stoner played cool music and displayed on a projector screen many photos taken at Intelsat events by Ed a long time ago, as well as taking all of the pictures you can see on the link below.  A special thanks to Jorge and Mirka Penaranda for helping with logistics in getting stuff to and from Seneca Creek, and to Rosa and Roland Liu for taking away a large  bag of trash.  

The winner of first drawing was David Griffiths who picked 1 of 5 boxes linked to a $25 Lowes gift card.  The winner of second drawing was Guibin Dong who picked 1 of 4 boxes linked to a bottle of Castello di Poppiano Riserva red wine instead of stealing the $25 Lowes gift card.  The winner of third drawing was Bob Kinzie who picked 1 of 3 boxes linked to a $25 Amazon gift card instead of stealing the red wine.  The winner of fourth drawing was Jim Johnson who picked 1 of 2 boxes linked to a bottle of Latour Pouilly Fuisse, 2016, instead of stealing the $25 Amazon gift card.  The winner of the fifth drawing was Rosa Liu who picked the last box linked to a large scented candle with designer matches instead of stealing the white wine. 

Click HERE for photos of the picnic courtesy of Ed.


Celebrating the Life of Jane P. Kinzie
Posted:  10 May 2019

After Jane's passing last December, Bob Kinzie announced that there would be a memorial celebration of her life in the late spring when the azalea are in bloom.  On Sun., 5th May, family members, friends, former COMSAT/INTELSAT colleagues and business associates of Jane P. Kinzie gathered at the Bethesda Marriott Suites hotel to celebrate Jane's extraordinary life.  Bob spoke of Jane's careers at COMSAT and INTELSAT, creating the Kinzie Farms Azalea Nursery, managing the Kinzie Backup Generator Systems as well as being a founder and Board Member of the IRAA and writing the Newsletter for almost 20 years before being overcome by cancer in December 2018.  Francis Latapie, a long-time close friend, presented a touching tribute of Jane filled with reminiscences of their friendship.

Click HERE for some pix courtesy of Ed Stoner.


10th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
14 April 2019

  Date:  Sun., 19th May, 2019
 Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

                                     Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

 Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $15.00 ea
                                                      Non-members:  $18.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, roasted vegetables, salad, and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Fri., 10th May

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left.

 - Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 


2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted: 11 February 2019

The 2nd Annual Winter Social was held at the home of Ati and Alan Olson on Sun., 10 Feb., 2019.  Luckily, it was not too cold and there was no snow to risk getting there with any mishap.  A total of 57 members/guests came to mingle and catch up with old friends & former colleagues from Intelsat back in the day, as well as partake in the delicious and plentiful food catered by Maggiano’s.  Guests were also treated to Ati’s delicious home-cooked baked salmon.  There was much food leftover which many guests took home in the ‘to go’ containers provided by Maggiano’s. 

Ed Stoner multi-tasked between his cool DJ self and photographer extraordinaire talents, playing some great mood music and snapping all the nice photos for the event as well as linking some photos from the old Intelsat days onto the TV.

On behalf of Peggy Slye, who could not make it due to an urgent family matter back home in Arkansas, Jon Sofranko presented a brief overview from Peggy on the legal and medical issues the IRAA has been working on since Sep., 2018.

Afterwards, Mike Mohajeri spoke kind remembrances of Jane Kinzie and enjoined everyone to hold a 30 second moment of silence in her memory.

Next, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson held the customary raffle drawings and Guess-the-Number-of-Jelly-Beans-in-the-Jar contest, and the lucky winners of the raffle drawings of $25 gift cards from Lowes, Target and Amazon winners were Larry Moon, Sheela Pinto and Liz Bell. And, the bottle of wine winners were Larry Moon’s son, Andrew/Chateau de Nages Jose Torres Rouge, 2014, who traded with Larry for his gift card, and Marica Hidalgo Brayboy/Amici Chardonnay Sonoma Coast, 2016.  The winner of the Jelly Bean count contest was Don McKenzie who won a box of chocolates to give to his wife Maryann!

Many thanks to Ati and Alan Olson for sharing their lovely home for this fun event enjoyed by everyone.  Let us know if you’d like to host next year?

Click HERE for photos by Ed Stoner

2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering
Posted: 12 January 2019

We hope you may be in the area and available to attend our second Winter Social Gathering on Sun., 10th Feb., at one of our member's home in North Potomac, MD.  

Date:     Sun., 10th Feb.
Time:     12:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $15.00 ea. 
             Non-members $18.00 ea.

Food catered by Maggiano's

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association

c/o Satpal Chhabra

P.O. Box 40027

Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Wed., 6th Feb. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Click on Click to Pay

- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)

- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay

   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount

- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

/////  If you are interested in attending this event, pls kindly remit the necessary payment by the
       deadline date of Wed., 6th Feb., and EMail us your RSVP at: 
info@myiraa.comAfter we
       we rcv your payment and EMail RSVP, we will EMail you the address of the event /////

///// If you would like a ride to this event, pls let us know and we will try to hook you up with someone nearby you who will be going /////

19th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association 
and Social Gathering - Epilogue

Posted:  26 October 2018

This year's event was located in Virginia at the Springfield Golf and Country Club on Sunday, October 21, 2018, where it was held in 2014-2015 before moving over to Maryland at the Kenwood Golf and Country Club in 2016-2017.  There were 97 members/spouses in attendance (107 RSVPd Yes), and for the first time ever, a virtual online meeting was extended to all retirees via Zoom virtual online meeting tool with 37+ attendees participarting.  

The dramatic increase of both physical along with the virtual attendees to this year's event over last year's event (65) was due to overwhelming concern and objection to the letter retirees received from Intelsat of the plan to shift away from group health insurance with United Health Care to individual health plans through a 3rd party insurance broker, Via Benefits, for Medicare-eligible retirees using a HRA (Health Reimbursement Account) methodology.

  Joe Pelton presented an updated on the Burt Edeslon Scholrship fund after which a motion to members present was secured for approval for IRAA Board to raise funds in support of the legal activities underway and which may continue to protect the health care benefits of the retirees covered by Intelsat's Qualifying Retiree Health Care Plan.  Afterwards, the meeting adjourned, followed by our guest speaker, Larry Postol, who represented IRAA in the 2007 Court Consent Decree awarded for surviving spouse benefits to be reinstated/maintained.  Larry Postol provided an update and to answer questions from members regarding the legal activities currently underway.

Members enjoyed a dinner-buffet/cash bar set up by the Springfield Golf and Country Club, and further social gathering between former colleagues and friends. 

Click HERE for a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation/folders to members present

Click HERE for some pix courtesy of Ed Stoner

2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering - Epilogue
Posted:  9 September 2018

Unlike the perfect day we had last year, yesterday's event at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD, was a cloudy, not so hot day with temps in the upper 60's and an iffy 50-50 chance of precipitation. Canopy tents and chafing buffet sets were first set up along with the drinks around 1:30pm but shortly afterwards about 2:00pm, a heavy downpour of rain ensued.  Ken kindly offered to relocate the event to his basement if everyone would be kind enough to remove their shoes so as not to muddy the light carpeting.  The chafing buffet sets, drinks and several boxes of supplies were brought into the basement in the pouring rain where everything was set up along with the catered food delivered the day before and stored in the refrigerator in Ken's garage, after which time 53 members/guests, including several current and former Intelsat staff came to enjoy the Fajita Fiesta inside. 

Catering of the delicious beef, chicken, veggie Fajitas, black beans and rice was provided by Shalom Kosher.  

Ed Stoner held a Golf Putting Contest where contestants won a ticket(s) for a chance to win a prize drawing and the lucky winners were: 8FT Putt - Rodica Samata/Set of Top Flite Golf Balls which she happily donated to Ed afterwards; 6FT Putt - Maria Fernanda Delgado/Sterling Meritage red wine; 4FT Putt - Farshid Moghimi/Woodbridge-Mondavi white wine; 2FT Putt - Rosa Liu/Marquis Tour champagne.

Next, Ati Kadarmanto-Olson and Anita Saltos held the door prize raffle drawings and the lucky winners were: Dima Samata/$25 VISA gift card; Ati Kadarmanto-Olson/$25 VISA gift card; Ed Stoner/$25 Amazon gift card; GianPiero Forcina/Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio wine; Norma Shoemaker/Miraval Rose wine; and, Fred Rieger/Ruffino Reserva Chianti Classico.  Once again, everyone had a nice time socializing and catching up with old friends and colleagues.  Many thanks to Ken for sharing his basement and to everyone who helped clean-up afterwards.

Click HERE for some pix courtesy of Ed Stoner.

19th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering
Posted: 28 August 2018

Sunday, 21 October 2018, 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Springfield Golf and Country Club

8301 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA

Ballroom "A"

 2:00 pm: Meet and Greet

 2:30 pm: Business Meeting

 2:45 pm: Guest speaker (Larry Postol, Postal Law PC:

(update regarding new health plan change)

3:30 pm: Buffet Dinner & Social


Menu for The Social

Beverages will be available 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Included:  Coffee, hot tea, and iced water.
Cash bar (available 2:00pm - 2:30pm & 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Domestic Beer - $6.00 Premium Beer - $7.00
Club Wine - $10.00 Club Brand Cocktails - $8.00
Premium Brand Cocktails - $11.00 Super Premium Cocktails - $13.00
Cordials & Liqueurs - $13.00
Soft Drinks - $2.00 Juices - $3.00
Club Wines:
Woodwork Chardonnay, Woodwork Cabernet Sauvignon, Edna Valley Merlot, Piccini Pinot Grigio
Club Brand Cocktails:
Pinnacle Vodka, Beefeaters Gin, Dewars Scotch, Jim Beam Bourbon, Bacardi Rum, Canadian Club Whiskey, Cuervo Tequila
Premium Brand Cocktails:
Kettle One Vodka, Tanquerey Gin, Chivas Regal Scotch, Jack Daniel's Bourbon, Captain Morgan Rum, Seagram's VO Whiskey, Cuervo 1800 Anejo Tequila
Super Premium Brand Cocktails:
Grey Goose Vodka, Blue Coat Gin, Johnnie Walker Black Scotch, Makers Mark Bourbon, Zaya Rum, Crown Royal Whiskey, Herradura Blanco Tequila
 * Charges based on actual consumption
Springfield Buffet Dinner will be available after the meeting and guest speaker
(Larry Postol) Update Health Plan Change
Field Greens with Almonds & Dried Cranberries 
** Balsamic Vinaigrette and Ranch Dressing **
Chicken Florentine  with Brandy Cream Sauce
Beef Bourguignon with Wine, Carrots and Mushrooms
Tri Color Cheese Tortellini with Pesto Cream Sauce
Roasted Vegetables
Oven Roasted Herb Potatoes
Warm Rolls and Butter
Assorted Cakes

Although the social event is being substantially funded by the Association, a per-head contribution of $15.00 is requested to hold your reservation.

Your contributions and the names in your party are required to be received Not later than Monday, October 15, 2018

Contributions should be sent in

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Social 2018
c/o Satpal Chhabra
P. O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

You may also use PayPal via website www.myiraa.com to process your contribution for this event.

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

- Scroll down and click on Click to Pay

- Enter amount to pay in the Enter New Amount to Pay box

- Click on Update Amount to Pay (the Amount to Pay box should show the new amount)

- Click on Begin Payment Proces via PayPal

- Scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.


FROM I-495:
MIXING BOWL FROM TYSONS: Take I-495S to I-95S 57A towards Richmond. Stay to the far right. Take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169-B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road, you’ve gone too far.

MIXING BOWL FROM ALEXANDRIA: Take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169-B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

TO AVOID MIXING BOWL: Take I-495S then take Braddock Road West exit 54A, make a left on Rolling Road (VA 638S), and a left onto Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W), the Club is on your right immediately past the Shell station.

FROM RICHMOND: Take I-95N towards Washington; take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W) travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

FROM WASHINGTON D.C. I-395: Take I-395S, towards Richmond; take exit 169A-B Springfield, then 169B Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644W) travel approx. 3.5 miles. Make left immediately after 6th light (Carrleigh Parkway) into Springfield Golf & Country Club. If you’ve passed Rolling Road you’ve gone too far.

FROM FAIRFAX COUNTY PARKWAY: 286: Take the Old Keene Mill Road exit (VA 644E), continue approx. 3.5 miles and Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station. 

FROM SPRINGFIELD PARKWAY: 289: Take Rolling Road N (VA 638), right on Old Keene Mill Road (VA 644E) Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station.

FROM I-66: Take I-66 to the Fairfax County Parkway 286; Take the Old Keene Mill Road exit (VA 644E), continue approx. 3.5 miles and Springfield Golf & Country Club is on the right, immediately past the Shell station.

3rd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Golf Outing
Posted:  18 August 2018

The IRAA’s 3rd Annual Golf outing is upon us, please join us on 13 September 2018 at The Falls Road Golf Course. Cost is $ 36.00 for those persons over 60Years of age and $ 51.00 for persons under 60.  Any level of experience is welcomed.  We had a blast last year and hope that this year will be even better with lots of prizes to be won. Let’s play for bragging rights. Some of the prizes include a umbrella, golf balls, gloves and Premium golf brush set.

There is as always, a welcome bag with tees and golf balls for all players. Hope to see you there.

  If interested, please send an EMail to info@myiraa.com

2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering
Posted:  6 August 2018

Hope you may be in the area and available to attend this second event at Ken Betaharon's home in Potomac, MD.  Here are the details below:

Date:     Sat., 8th Sep., 2018
Time:     3:00pm - 6:00pm

Cost:     IRAA members and guests $15.00 ea. 
                               Non-members $18.00 ea.

Menu Fare - Fajita Festival catered by Shalom Kosher

Refreshments:  Wine, beer, soft drinks and water

There will be fun games and prizes along with a raffle drawings

Payment may be mailed by check payable to:

Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association

c/o Satpal Chhabra
P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

*** RSVP/Payment must be rcvd not later than Sun., 2nd Sep. ***

Alternatively, you may make payment by credit card via our website:

URL:  www.myiraa.com

- Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments
- Click on Click to Pay
- Enter new Amount-to-Pay: (override $20.00 with new amount to pay)
- Click on Enter New Amount-to-Pay
   Note:  Amount to pay is:  will change from $20.00 default to new amount
- Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal

/////  If you are interested in attending this event, pls kindly remit payment by the
       deadline date of Sun., 2nd Sep., and EMail us your RSVP at: 
info@myiraa.comAfter we
       we rcv your payment and EMail RSVP, we will EMail you the address of the event /////


9th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue
21 May 2018

After a dreary week of rain and coolish temperatures thru Saturday, causing much anxiety about the expected weather for yesterday's event, the clouds gave away to bright sunshine and warmer temperatures for the picnic where 69 persons were in attendance out of 79 who RSVPd coming:  57 IRAA, 3 Intelsat, 7 COMARA, and 2 former Intelsat.  Once again, everyone had a fun time enjoying the warm camaraderie between friends and former colleagues from COMARA, IRAA, current/former Intelsat staff who reconnected and reminisced with each other. 

As has been customary, the menu fare consisted of the popular and delicious Crisp n Juicy chicken, along with lots of roasted vegetables and our own grilled Bubba burgers (some with Todd's Dirt, a gourmet seasoning made up with 14 spices/herbs), chipotle black bean burgers and hot dogs.  An unexpected delight were the many delicious, homemade cupcakes brought by Linda Marlow. 

For entertainment, Ed Stoner provided his usual, cool DJ music and displayed on a projector screen lots of pictures from Intelsat events many years ago, as well as taking all of the pictures you can see on the link below.  A special thanks to Cindy Liu and John Chan for helping with logistics in getting stuff to and from Seneca Creek, and to John for his chief Grill Master support.  And, many thanks to Martin and Pamela Brown for taking away a bag of trash as has been customary for past events.  Also, to Rosa and Roland Liu for taking away 1 bag, and to Leonida Vista for taking away two bags of trash.

This year the Social Committee held the raffle drawings with a twist:  Winner of first drawing was Linda Marlow who picked 1 of 6 bags of with a bottle of Porta Cima Cabernet Sauvignon red wine.  Winner of second drawing was Angela Kummel who stole Linda's wine.  Linda then picked another bag with a $25 Amazon gift card.  Winner of third drawing was Bob Kinzie who stole Linda's $25 Amazon gift card.  Linda again picked another bag with a set of tea and cookies.  Winner of fourth drawing was Al Goldman who picked a bag with a large, beautiful scented candle.  Winner of fifth drawing was Simon Bennett who picked a bag with a $25 Home Depot gift card.  Final sixth drawing winner was Kul Virdee who got the last bag with a bottle of Buena Vista Carneros Chardonnay white wine. 

Click HERE for photos of the picnic courtesy of Ed.

9th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic
Posted: 25 April 2018

  Date:  Sun., 20th May, 2018
Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm   

Where:  Seneca Creek State Park (Buck Pavilion)

                            Cost:  IRAA members & Guests:  $15.00 ea
                                                         Non-members:  $18.00 ea

Menu:  Burgers, hot dogs, chicken and refreshments (beer/wine, soda/water)

Pls mail check payable to:

   Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association
   c/o Rani (Satpal) Chhabra
   P.O. Box 40027
Washington, DC 20016-0027

Note:  Payment must be rcvd not later than Fri., 11th May.

Alternatively, you may make payment via PayPal on our website:  www.myiraa.com

Click on Pay Dues & Other Payments

Click on Click to Pay.

Enter new Amount-to-Pay:  (override $20.00 with new amount to be paid)

Click on Enter new Amount-to-Pay

          Note:  Amount to pay is: will change from $20.00 default to new amount)

Click on Begin Payment Process via PayPal


Area Map layout of Seneca Creek State Park - Click HERE

Seneca Creek State Park Info link – Click HERE

Google Map link to Seneca Creek State Park – Click HERE

Directions to Seneca Creek State Park (from Washington, D.C., Virginia, and points South):

- Take I-270 north towards Frederick, Maryland

- Take Exit 10, Route 117 (Clopper Road)

- At the bottom of the ramp take a right

- Park is about 2 miles ahead on your left

- After you’ve gone through the gate, make a right at sign to Recreation Areas.

- Go about 1 mile (passing picnic areas Cardinal, Chickadee, Kingfisher, Bluejay & Nuthatch) until you come to a stop sign.

- Turn left at the stop sign towards Deer Ridge & Quail Ridge.

- Go about .6 mile (passing Fawn & Doe picnic areas) to Buck Pavillion to the right.

- There should be ample parking; else, there is some overflow spaces up ahead on the left.

- Go to the main Park entrance kiosk – you will have to pay an entrance fee, so bring some cash:

          -  MD residents:             $3.00/person
          -  Out-of-state residents: $5.00/person

 Questions?  Email Ati Olson (bali2002@comcast.net) or Alan Olson (way2cool1x@comcast.net) 


IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Update
15 January 2018

Due to unexpected unavailability of a member's home in Alexandria until early February, the event has been deferred until mid-March, weather permitting.  Date and details to follow soon.  Stay tuned...



Please click on items below to open up more details further below.

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2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering (Posted: 29 December 2017)
18th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering - Epilogue (Posted: 16 October 2017)
2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Golf Outing - Epilogue (Posted: 20 September 2017)
18th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association and Social Gathering (Posted: 18 September 2017)
1st Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social Gathering - Epilogue (Posted: 27 August 2017)
2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Golf Outing - Update (Posted: 17 August 2017)
1st Annual IRAA/Intelsat Summer Social (Posted: 4 August 2017)
2nd Annual IRAA/Intelsat Golf Outing (Posted: 18 June 2017)
8th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 25 May 2017)
8th Annual IRAA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic (Posted: 16 April 2017)
8th Annual COMARA/IRAA Strathmore Concert Event (Posted: 29 January 2017)
1st Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Epilogue (Posted: 29 January 2017)
1st Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering (Posted: 29 December 2016)
1st Annual IRAA/Intelsat Winter Social Gathering - Mark Your Calendar (Posted: 4 December 2016)
17th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Epilogue (Posted: 17 October 2016)
Wine Outing - Epilogue (Posted: 19 September 2016)
Peter Schultze Memorial Luncheon (Posted: 18 September 2016)
Social Following the 17th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association (Posted: 5 September 2016)
1st Annual Golf Outing - Epilogue (Posted: 26 August 2016)
Wine Tour- Update (Posted: 10 August 2016)
1st Annual Golf Outing - Update (Posted: 23 July 2016)
1st Annual Golf Outing - Update (Posted: 9 July 2016)
7th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 23 May 2016)
7th Annual COMARA/IRAA & Intelsat Summer Picnic (Posted: 22 March 2016)
Second Group of 10 Intelsat Retirees Tour Intelsat New HQ (Posted: 23 February)
7th Annual COMARA/IRAA Strathmore Concert Event - Epilogue (Posted: 22 February)
Golf Outing and Wine Tour (Posted: 7 February 2016)
First Group of 26 Intelsat Retirees Tour Intelsat New HQ (Posted: 7 February 2016)
7th Annual COMARA/IRAA Strathmore Concert Event (Posted: 24 December 2015)
16th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association - Epilogue (Posted: 22 October 2015)
Social Following the 16th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the Intelsat Retirees and Alumni Association (Posted: 8 September 2015)
1st Annual IRAA/COMARA & Friends Wolf Trap Performance - Epilogue (Posted: 28 June 2015)
6th Annual IRAA/COMARA Annual Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 22 May 2015)
1st Annual IRAA/COMARA & Friends Wolf Trap Performance (Posted: 5 April 2015)
6th Annual IRAA/COMARA Annual Summer Picnic (Posted: 4 April 2015)
6th Annual COMARA/IRAA Strathmore Concert Event - Epilogue (Posted: 4 April 2015)
Social Events Survey (Posted: 6 February 2015)
6th Annual COMARA/IRAA Strathmore Concert Event (Posted: 17 January 2015)
15th Annual Meeting and Social - Epilogue (Posted: 18 December 2014)
15th Annual Meeting and Social (Posted: 6 September 2014)
EIEIO Gathering - Last One in DC (Posted: 27 May 2014)
5th Annual IRAA/COMARA Annual Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 18 May 2014)
5th Annual IRAA/COMARA Annual Summer Picnic (Posted: 23 April 2014)
5th Annual IRAA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Epilogue (Posted: 10 March 2014)
5th Annual IRAA/COMARA Night at Strathmore (Posted: 27 January 2014)
4th Annual IRAA/COMARA and Intelsat Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 25 May 2013)
14th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of the IRAA (Posted: 20 April 2013)
4th Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Epilogue (Posted: 20 April 2013)
4th Annual IRA/COMARA & Intelsat Summer Picnic (Posted:  12 April 2013)
13th Annual Meeting - Epilogue (Posted: 20 April 2013)
13th Annual Meeting - 2nd Update (Posted: 12 October 2012)
13th Annual Meeting - Update (Posted: 9 October 2012)
Congressman Chris Van Hollen Featured Speaker at the 13th Annual Meeting (Posted: 12 September 2012)
Social Following the 13th Annual Meeting (Posted: 30 August 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Summer Picnic Epilogue (Posted: 26 May 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Epilogue (Posted: 4 Apr, 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Summer Picnic - Update Posted: 4 Apr, 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Summer Picnic (Posted: 6 Feb, 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Update (Posted: 6 Feb. 2012)
3rd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore (Posted: 16 Nov, 2011)
12th Annual Meeting of IRA & Social Gathering - Epilogue (Posted: 16 Nov, 2011)
Social Following the 12th Annual Meeting of the General Assembly (Posted: 20 Sep, 2011)
     of the Intelsat Retirees Association
12th Annual Meeting of IRA & Social Gathering (Posted: 19 Aug, 2011)
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA Summer Picnic - Epilogue (Posted: 1 Aug, 2011)
ISU Dr. Burton I. Edelson Memorial Lecture (Posted: 11 May, 2011)
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA - Summer Picnic (Posted: 8 May, 2011 )
Egypt 2nd Revolution Seminar - Epilogue - 16 Mar. 2011 (Posted: 20 Apr, 2011 )
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Epilogue (Posted: 20 April, 2011)
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore - Update (Posted: 9 Mar, 2011)
Egypt 2nd Revolution Seminar 16 Mar. 2011 (Posted: 21 Feb, 2011)
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA Night at Strathmore (Posted: 4 Feb, 2011)
2nd Annual IRA/COMARA Summer Picnic (Posted: 4 Feb, 2011)
NATIONAL PHILHARMONIC: Grieg's Piano Concerto 2011 (Posted: 27 Dec, 2010)
11th Annual Meeting of Intelsat Retirees Association and Social Gathering (Posted: 23 Nov, 2010)



Error Occurred While Processing Request The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
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Error Occurred While Processing Request

Datasource counter_IRA.MDB could not be found.

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568 : 
569 :  <cfquery name="GetHits" datasource="counter_IRA.MDB">
570 :         SELECT *
571 :         FROM tb_hit_counter


Browser   Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
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Date/Time   22-Oct-24 05:12 AM
Stack Trace
at cfindex2ecfm556631156.runPage(C:/inetpub/vhosts/myiraa.com/httpdocs/index.cfm:569) at cfindex2ecfm556631156.runPage(C:/inetpub/vhosts/myiraa.com/httpdocs/index.cfm:569)

java.sql.SQLException: Datasource counter_IRA.MDB could not be found.
	at coldfusion.sql.DataSrcImpl.validate(DataSrcImpl.java:97)
	at coldfusion.sql.SqlImpl.validate(SqlImpl.java:299)
	at coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.doValidate(QueryTag.java:635)
	at coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.doAfterBody(QueryTag.java:623)
	at cfindex2ecfm556631156.runPage(C:\inetpub\vhosts\myiraa.com\httpdocs\index.cfm:569)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:244)
	at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag.java:446)
	at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(CfincludeFilter.java:65)
	at coldfusion.filter.IpFilter.invoke(IpFilter.java:64)
	at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(ApplicationFilter.java:451)
	at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(RequestMonitorFilter.java:48)
	at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(MonitoringFilter.java:40)
	at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:112)
	at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(ExceptionFilter.java:94)
	at coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke(BrowserDebugFilter.java:79)
	at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(ClientScopePersistenceFilter.java:28)
	at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
	at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(NoCacheFilter.java:58)
	at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
	at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:22)
	at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(CachingFilter.java:62)
	at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:219)
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(BootstrapServlet.java:89)
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor38.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:288)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:285)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Subject.java:549)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:320)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.java:175)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:297)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000(ApplicationFilterChain.java:55)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:191)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:187)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:186)
	at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(MonitoringServletFilter.java:42)
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(BootstrapFilter.java:46)
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor37.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:288)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil$1.run(SecurityUtil.java:285)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Subject.java:549)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:320)
	at org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.java:260)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:237)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000(ApplicationFilterChain.java:55)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:191)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$1.run(ApplicationFilterChain.java:187)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:186)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:218)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:110)
	at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:506)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:169)
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:103)
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(AccessLogValve.java:962)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:116)
	at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:466)
	at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.process(AjpProcessor.java:197)
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:637)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$SocketProcessor.run(JIoEndpoint.java:316)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)